WoW! News Podcast â The WoW! team meet Victor NoĂ«l, who at 15 has just written a book about his passion for all life on Earth. Youâre never too young to help protect our planet!

Podcast transcript, Oct. 9 2020
A - Hello and welcome to WoW!, the positive podcast! Showing kids that thereâs a lot more to the world news than bad news.
Iâm Alastair. As a journalist, Iâve often written about things going wrong. But people also need to know too about whatâs going right.
This week, weâve a very special guest at WoW!, an inspiring young man whoâs going to be talking to WoW! his passion for life on Earth â and how itâs never too soon to get involved to help protect our planet!
Alastair : Hi Clarisse !
Clarisse : Hi Alastair !
Alastair : So are you ready to meet our special guest this week?
Clarisse : Ah yes ! WoW ! was at the international geography festival last weekend. So what happened ?
Alastair : Well, our intrepid WoW! News reporter Fanny went to the festival at Saint DiĂ© in eastern France and she ran into a teenager called Victor NoĂ«l. Heâs just 15 but he wasnât just hanging out at the festival â he was speaking at a conference, and â get this â signing copies of the new book heâs just written!
Clarisse : Heâs just 15 and heâs done all that ?
Alastair : Yup, itâs pretty amazing, isnât it. Fanny tells me that she was really impressed by Victorâs energy â it felt like h could e talk all day about biodiversity.
Clarisse : Biodiversity ? You mean everything that lives on Earth ?
Alastair : Exactly, Clarisse. Victor wants us to respect all life on Earth â to remember that, say, a slug is absolutely as important for us to look after as something grand and exciting like, ooh, tigers or bears.
Clarisse : Hm, I see, every kind of organism is important to keep our whole system in balanceâŠ
Alastair : Absolutely! Letâs have a listen to what he told Fanny (and obviously as Victor is French, heâs speaking in French so Iâll translate itâŠ)
Victor : Bonjour ! Moi câest Victor NoĂ«l, jâai 15 ans et je suis passionnĂ© par la biodiversitĂ©, tout ce qui est vivant, les oiseaux, les arbres, les forĂȘts, les champignons, etc.
[Hello! Iâm Victor NoĂ«l. Iâm 15 and Iâm passionate about biodiversity, about everything thatâs alive, the birds, trees, forests, mushrooms, and so onâŠ]
Alastair : Fanny asked him when he first got hooked on Nature âŠ
Victor : Elle a commencĂ© depuis toujours je pense ! Mes parents me disent âquand tu avais 3 ans, tu observais les fourmis dans le jardinâ. Et puis aprĂšs câĂ©tait les rapaces, ces grands oiseaux quâon nomme les oiseaux de proie, comme les aigles. Et puis aprĂšs câĂ©tait les oiseaux plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, et puis aprĂšs la biodiversitĂ© dans sa globalitĂ©, le vivant. Et puis les liens que peuvent avoir les espĂšces entre elles. Donc câest vraiment venu de lâobservation de la forĂȘt, dans les jardin chez moi.
[Iâve been like that forever, I think! My parents told me that âwhen you were 3, you used to study the ants in the gardenâ. After that it was birds of prey, like eagles. After that it was birds in general and then I got interested in all of life on Earth and in how species are connected with each other. Thatâs how I started really observing the forest around where I live.]
Clarisse : Heâs so enthusiastic !
Alastair : You havenât heard all of it yet ! He told Fanny that he really got into Nature when he was 8 and his parents took him on a long trip around Europe in a camper van. He was living outdoors nearly the whole time, and especially in the wilds of Norway and Scotland, he got to see loads of wildlife.
Clarisse : That must have been amazing. What a trip! He must have got some great photos!
Alastair : You better believe it ! He took some amazing shots of animals and he started publishing them online in a blog. And he also started interviewing scientists and other experts about Nature and how to protect it. Oh, and he joined a society in France that brings people together to protect wild birds.
Victor : Au dĂ©part, si jâai adhĂ©rĂ© Ă la LPO câĂ©tait plutĂŽt parce que j'avais envie dâapprendre sur les oiseaux. Et puis de fil en aiguille, en rencontrant ces gens des associations, ils mâont fait prendre conscience - et en sâintĂ©ressant, on prend forcĂ©ment conscience - ben que cette nature, cette biodiversitĂ© que jâaimais observer, ces oiseaux, Ă©taient trĂšs dĂ©gradĂ©s. Et ça sâest transformĂ© en envie dâagir.
[At first, I joined the League for the Protection of Birds because I wanted to learn more about them. And then, as I met more people, they made me realise that all this Nature, this biodiversity, that I loved, these birds, they were really in trouble. Thatâs how I got the idea that I had to actâŠ]
Clarisse : And what action does he take ?
Alastair : Well, last year, for example he organised a march for biodiversity in Metz, the city near where he lives â and 2,000 people came. Not bad for a teenager, right ? He also goes round to other schools talking to kids about protecting Nature. Victor thinks that children can have a huge impact â by persuading not just their families but even politicians and big business to change their habits, to stop us harming our environment. Above all, he thinks that we can all do something every day to help â starting with taking more care about what we buyâŠ
Victor : Tout ce qui est produit, tout ce quâon achĂšte Ă un impact sur cette biodiversitĂ©, sur le vivant, sur le climat.
[Everything that is produced, everything we buy, has an impact on biodiversity, on life, on our climate.]
Clarisse : So whatâs his book about ?
Alastair : Itâs about biodiversity, about his passion for wildlife and for Nature in general. Most of all, explains very clearly why itâs so important.
Victor : Câest vraiment le message du livre, de ne plus oublier ce vivant⊠de ne plus oublier toutes ces espĂšces, les oiseaux, les champignons, ces bactĂ©ries qui peuplent la planĂšte ! RĂ©apprendre Ă sâĂ©merveiller de ce vivant, câest quelque chose de trĂšs important. Parce que quand on aura appris Ă respecter les insectes dans notre jardin, le phytoplancton dans les ocĂ©ans, toutes ces espĂšces qui nous font vivre⊠lĂ on arrivera Ă faire des choses positives, Ă rĂ©inventer une sociĂ©tĂ© plus Ă©cologique.
[Thatâs really the message of the book â to stop forgetting about living things, about all the species, the birds, the fungi, the bacteria which fill our planet! Itâs really important that we learn to look with wonder at life on Earth again. Because once weâve learned to respect the insects in the garden, the plankton in the oceans, all these forms of life which help keep us alive, then weâll be able to do something positive, to reinvent a more ecological society.]
Clarisse : Wow, thatâs really inspiringâŠ
Alastair : It is, Clarisse. And letâs hear a final thought from Victor on how kids can get involved if they want toâŠ
Victor : Câest de se rapprocher dâassociations locales, de sensibiliser ses parents, son entourage. Il y a plein de choses Ă faire mais le conseil que je peux donner Ă ces jeunes qui ont envie de s'investir câest : de la motivation, ne lĂąchons rien, mĂȘme si câest compliquĂ© on y va !
[Joining local clubs, explaining our ideas to your parents, people around you. There are loads of ways. But the main thing Iâd say to children who want to get involved is âdonât give upâ. Even if it seems difficult, get stuck in!]
Clarisse : Well said Victor ! He should go into politicsâŠ
Alastair : Well, actually, Fanny asked him about that and whether he had ambitions to be a politicians. But Victor sees himself more as a farmer, a market gardener, growing vegetables and living in the open air â close to his beloved Nature!
Clarisse : Well, whatever he does, heâs made me want to find out more about biodiversity and Nature and, well, maybe even join a club to do more for wildlife with other people. If I was younger, Iâd think of joining our friends from WoW!, Roots and ShootsâŠ
Alastair : Thatâs a great idea, Clarisse. Yes, listeners can find out more on our website about the famous scientist Jane Goodall and her organisation for young people, which is called Roots and Shoots. Weâre really proud to be partners and love the way Jane sees that children have so much to offer in making sure we look after planet Earth. Just go to our site, wow dash news dot eu and search for âJaneâ. With that Clarisse and I will sign off for nowâŠ
Clarisse : See you next week !
Alastair : See you, Clarisse! And thanks to you all out there for listening. Weâd love to hear about any activities you do to take an interest in Nature. You can drop us a line on our site â remember? Itâs wow dash news dot eu. If youâve enjoyed this podcast, do share it with a friend. Iâm Alastair and Iâll be back next week. Until then, stay positiveâŠ!
