Uniquely global, uniquely motivating
Their news. On screen. On paper. In podcast.

Discover WoW! News Magazine (FR)
36 pages of inspiring people and original solutions to the world’s problems.

What people say
WoW! News is like a restless kid brother to The Upside...

What I love about it is that it always makes me happy. Sometimes when I feel angry, I read an article. After I have read it, I feel better because I see that amazing things are happening in the world.

My girls love it. It explains things very well and is well suited for their age group. They learn and understand interesting ideas that are often hard to explain. The subjects are varied, serious but with a positive angle. And parents learn plenty too!

Let’s bring positive news to our children during these trying times. Congratulations for the initiative. #keepkidspositive #positivenews