Gala, who lives in Paris, is now 12 and she’s the president of Le Trèfle Rouge (Red Clover), a charity which raises thousands of euros to help other children. Her little brother Gabriel, 10, is vice-president. And Mum and Dad help out too, of course!
Life is particularly difficult for many people at the moment because of all the problems caused by the coronavirus. And even if we’re lucky enough to be well and comfortable, it can make us sad to see others unhappy. So, we thought now was a good time to ask Gala for her tips on how we can all make things better.
You can listen to Gala telling WoW! News in this week’s podcast how she came up with the idea for her charity after seeing a poster in the street of a little boy who was very sick. She just found it so unfair that she was healthy and happy and this little boy was so ill.
She started raising money to help pay for scientists to find new cures. Now Le Trèfle Rouge encourages children to give a little money to help other youngsters who are not so fortunate as they are.
She has found all sorts of ways to raise money. She sold bracelets. And during the lockdown last year she started taking photographs, which she now sells online.

And instead of asking for birthday presents, which she says often just fill up her room with stuff she doesn’t need, she asks people to give something to her charity.
“No one is too young to be generous!” say Gala and Gabriel. “We can all give something.”
By finding a way to do something to help others, Gala feels happy and is proud of herself. Let her tell you how great it is to start sharing…
And here’s a special message from Gala and Gabriel to you :