Eating our way to a healthier planet
Hello! In this issue of the WoW! fanzine we’re talking about lots of things but our big story – and some of our other news – is about food.
It’s a big part of all our lives. We can’t do without it! But what we eat and how we make it has become part of our planet’s problems.
That’s reflected in how many of the Global Goals – what the world’s governments have agreed as targets at the United Nations – can relate to producing, transporting, packaging food.
The good news is that people all over the world are looking for and finding solutions to some of these problems.
So, for example, urban farming helps make our cities more sustainable (Goal 11) – growing more near to where people lives saves on transport that can add to climate change. Planting trees helps take carbon dioxide out of the air, fighting global warming (Goal 13). And finding biodegradable alternatives to plastic packing helps the ocean (Goal 14). Now read on!

Strawberries in the air
Find out more about the Paris urban farm on the website of Nature Urbaine. The Guardian visited the farm in July and reported here.
Kapow! You’re planted!
Find out more about the Canadian tree-planting drones on the website of the company, Flash Forest, and in this article in Fast Company. And check out our earlier story about plans to plant trees and ‘greening’ the city!
Paper with fizz?
Find out more about paper drinks bottles from the company formed to make them, Paboco, and this story from Plus take a look at another story from ourselves on ways to cut plastic pollution!

Future Food
Further details are on the exhibition’s website. And here’s a selection of stories and podcasts from WoW! on the subject of food solutions…

Plus podcast !

Plus podcast !

Plus podcast !

Plus podcast !
You talk, WoW! listens

Read the full interview here and watch Amiri’s music video here!
The secret life of good news
Looking for more good news that is happening slowly but surely all around us? We’re inspired by the work of the Swedish doctor Hans Rosling. Watch him explain his ideas in this video and find out more at
The WoW! Quiz
All the answers, and more, are here…