Here we are in December and the countdown to Christmas has begun. Are you already thinking of presents you might get? Maybe you’ve even sent a list to Santa Claus?
But imagine turning that upside down? Think about how much fun it is to give presents, too. I’m sure you enjoy that. Some people think giving makes us even happier than receiving gifts.
Love in a box
Since many children may not get a present at Christmas, those of us lucky enough to be able to give something can add to the joy of the holidays by sharing something with others, even people we don’t know.
That’s what Leina and Maya have been doing. They’re both 10 and live in London. They’ve been doing something called Love in a Box.
Does that sound a bit weird?

A shoebox full of love
We’ll let these two friends explain it to you:
“Love in a Box is shoeboxes for us to send to under-privileged children throughout eastern Europe,” Maya tells WoW!
“You can fill shoeboxes for either boys or girls between 3 and 15 years old. It depends on the age, but you can put things like dolls, skipping rope, jewellery, ball, playing cards, sweets, book, felt-tip pens, pencils, paper, soft toy, flannel, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hat, scarf, gloves…”
That’s quite a list!

Photo: Burnley College
Christmas in Moldova
Thousands of these shoeboxes, packed with thought and care by children in England, will be making their way across Europe in the weeks before Christmas to reach kids in Moldova. It is the poorest country in Europe and many of the children who receive a box of goodies don’t have a family to look after them.
“It’s aimed at children who are not as lucky as us.”
Leina, aged 10, London
“I made a box for a 10-year-old girl like me,” Leina says, “Because I know more about what she would like. I also like to do some more boxes for other children too.”
She likes to imagine other children receiving a box from her, even though she won’t know who they are, and she thinks some other girl will be “really happy to get some gifts for Christmas”.
“I feel really happy and excited because I know I’m helping someone else.”

Photo: Les Samaritains
Sharing and caring
Maya has filled a shoebox for a girl aged between 12 and 15 that included “a hat, gloves, makeup, hair accessories, deodorant, teddy bear, pens and pencils and lots of chocolate and sweets”.
CITATION: “I feel happy that I can help make another child’s Christmas.” Maya, aged 10, London
Can you have a think about how you feel when you give someone a present? Do you think it makes you feel more happy or less happy than when someone gives something to you?
And do you have your own ideas about how to help others at Christmas? Do write in and let us know!
