Asthma is a horrible illness that affects millions of children and adults around the world. You may well have your own experience of someone in your family, at school - or perhaps yourself - needing help to breathe with an inhaler. Well, there's good news from Paris for everyone who suffers from asthma.
The Pasteur Institute, the famous research centre in the French capital, has announced that it has successfully tested a new vaccine in laboratory mice. It can stop them getting asthma attacks caused by allergies and also very much reduces the problems they have breathing if they do get one.
People who get asthma are often allergic to dust mites, microscopic cousins of spiders, which live around humans, even in the cleanest homes. It's very hard to protect people from an allergy like that, so getting a vaccine would be fantastic news. The next step is clinical trials, when human volunteers will get the vaccine to see if it works as well in people. We'll keep you posted on how that goes!